Performance Meets Compatibility Delivering over 5.5 times the brightness of illuminators using halogen technology, the GreenStar LED endoscopic illuminator is the brightest LED hand-held light source for fibre optic illuminators
Lessons from The Healthcare Industry: Straight-Talking COVID-19 Product Advice
Because everyone is now bombarded with offers of low quality and potentially ineffective Coronavirus-response products, we’ve used of 30 years of experience advising the healthcare industry to compile some very
The 10,000 Use Handwashing Solution Set to Revolutionise Hospital Hygiene | ValleyMed
A Covid-19 Response Product with Truly Exceptional Efficiency Searching for a better handwashing solution for your healthcare environment? Features: – Customizable signboard – Drip-tray to protect floors – Storage space
Responding to COVID-19: Giving Customers Peace of Mind is Not Optional
During the past few weeks, we’ve spent as much time at ValleyMed offering a listening ear and sharing advice with customers as we have helping them find the right products
A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You
An Open Letter from ValleyMed to Every Healthcare Professional in Canada We recently asked clients, friends and social media followers to join us in celebrating the Hospital Heroes working to
Valley Med’s Hospital Heroes
Send a Thank You to a Hospital Hero It’s simple: nominate an employee of a Canadian hospital for their dedication to tackling the Coronavirus, or helping Coronavirus patients, and we’ll
Le Coronavirus et vos produits médicaux et scientifiques: ValleyMed demeure ouvert
Mise à jour de ValleyMed: Aucune interruption de service By Valley MedApril 1, 2020 ValleyMed Update: No Disruption to Services En tant que fournisseur de produits essentiels pour hôpitaux et cliniques
Coronavirus and Your Medical/ Scientific Supplies: ValleyMed Remains Open
ValleyMed Update: No Disruption to Services As a supplier to essential hospital and veterinarian services, ValleyMed remains open following the guidelines developed by the Government of Ontario. We’re privileged to continue