Valley Med Hospital Heros.

A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You

An Open Letter from ValleyMed to Every Healthcare Professional in Canada

We recently asked clients, friends and social media followers to join us in celebrating the Hospital Heroes working to tirelessly to fight COVID-19, and its impact, in Canadian hospitals.

Nominations were invited to celebrate hospital professionals with a ValleyMed Hospital Heroes 2020 certificate. We were, of course, amazed by the stories we received of selfless devotion and ceaseless care for others.

In fact: What happened we contacted our overall ValleyMed Hospital Heroes 2020 winner with his $500 prize? Fergus Cubbage, a nurse at St Mikes Toronto, immediately said he’d share his winnings with ICU colleagues.

Among the nominations were recommendations for those who source and keep essential equipment working, praise received for a colleague who had made masks to help others, stores of tireless dedication, and general appreciation for professionals who have continued to be inspiring leaders during challenging times. We’ve included some examples below.

ValleyMed Hospital Heroes 2020 – Winner

A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You ValleyMed

Fergus Cubbage

St Michael’s Hospital Toronto

*Cares for the very sick in ICU
*Has worked extra shifts in two hospitals
*A dedicated Charge Nurse and mentor

*Took part in a podcast to help communicate the work of ICU
*Chose to share his $500 Hospital Heroes prize with colleagues! 

ValleyMed Hospital Heroes 2020 – Selected Nominees 

A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You ValleyMed

 Sylvain Fortin

CISS BSL Inst. Matane

*Ceaseless devotion to the sourcing, repair and set-up of essential equipment
*Delivered an improvised ICU center
*Set-up of an isolating imaging room

A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You ValleyMed

Pavla Jerabkova

Vancouver Animal Emergency and Referral Centre

*Made dozens of masks to help keep colleagues safe during the outbreak
*Has continued to make masks to help others

A Salute to Canada’s COVID-19 Hospital Heroes – Our Thank You ValleyMed

Dr. Stephanie Nykamp

Ontario Veterinary College Health Sciences Centre

University of Guelph

*Outstanding support for colleagues during the COVID-19 outbreak
*Constant presence, communicate and reassurance
*Devoted to animal care

A Proud Thanks

Vince Morris, on behalf of ValleyMed, explained how proud it had made the ValleyMed team to celebrate Fergus and his work: “Taking time out to appreciate all the nominations, as well as discover the superb example set by Fergus, has been a high point of recent weeks and a proud duty for everyone at ValleyMed.

“We hope our gesture of thanks goes some way to express our sincere thanks for Canadian professionals working on the frontline against COVID-19 while helping those lives have been impacted by the outbreak.”

Our thanks from everyone at ValleyMed for every person, in every hospital role, working hard for all of us.

We are forever in your debt.